Abstract Submission

Abstract submission deadline - Monday 14 March 2022

The IPNC 2022 Conference Committee invites everyone to contribute to the programme by submitting your contributions to the IPNC 2022 programme.

The IPNC 2022 Organising Committee welcomes a number of themes for you to submit:
  1. Vaccines and Impact
  2. Antimicrobial Resistance and Treatment
  3. Epidemiology/Molecular Epidemiology
  4. Host Defences and Immune Responses
  5. Surface Structures
  6. Molecular & Cellular Biology
  7. Meningitis in Africa
You may submit an abstract for an oral presentation or a poster presentation, or you may choose to submit an oral or poster presentation.

Please limit your submission to 350 words.

Please submit your abstract in a structured manner as follows:
  • Background
  • Aim/Methods
  • Results
  • Conclusion
We look forward to your submission!


After careful consideration, and a keen interest for an in-person meeting in South Africa, it is with regret that we are forced to postpone this meeting yet again. Current COVID-19 regulations in South Africa regarding mass gatherings prohibit the hosting of an in-person meeting at this time.

  • New dates for IPNC South Africa are 9-14 October 2022.
  • Abstracts may remain in the system or be withdrawn.
  • Please communicate with Scatterlings regarding hotel booking refunds or rollover of bookings to 2022, or if you have any other queries.
  • The Boston IPNC meeting will proceed as planned (from 23-30 September 2023 at the Boston Park Plaza, Massachusetts, USA).
  • We will work together with Boston to plan a complementary scientific program for both meetings.
  • We apologise for any inconvenience – please bear with us as we navigate through these uncertain times.