After careful consideration, and a keen interest for an in-person meeting in South Africa, it is with regret that we are forced to postpone this meeting yet again. Current COVID-19 regulations in South Africa regarding mass gatherings prohibit the hosting of an in-person meeting at this time.

  • New dates for IPNC South Africa are 9-14 October 2022.
  • Abstracts may remain in the system or be withdrawn.
  • Please communicate with Scatterlings regarding hotel booking refunds or rollover of bookings to 2022, or if you have any other queries.
  • The Boston IPNC meeting will proceed as planned (from 23-30 September 2023 at the Boston Park Plaza, Massachusetts, USA).
  • We will work together with Boston to plan a complementary scientific program for both meetings.
  • We apologise for any inconvenience – please bear with us as we navigate through these uncertain times.